Application 4999

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i completly love working with redstone. it intrests me soooo much and so i wanted to go on a server that is all about redstone. i want to be able to help people with redstone and have people help me with my redstone creations. other servers that ive tried either have not been updated yet or doesnt have accuried ranks not including money. i always am amazed when i see new creations and/ or new ways to make stuff more compact.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know how to make several diffenert kinds of clocks. i know how to work with redstone repeaters, torches, wire, pistons, sticky pistons, hoppers, redstone blocks, levers, buttons dispencers, droppers, all 4 kinds of pressure plates, and barely with comparators. i know how to time stuff to activate other stuff. i know the thing with repeators getting power and other stuff please accept my application
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have made locking codes that have to be in order to open. (basically its a 4 digit bike lock thing with #s 1-9) ive made an elevator and escalators. ive made timed closing doors from sticky pistons. ive made armour equeppers from dispercers and pistons. ive made hidden stair cases comeing out right after the last block. ive made many traps rangeing from suffication, pit, traping, and drowning. ive made that cow dector thing with the 32 block radious and the pressure plates it goes on.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Application status: 