posted by Goodgui
on Fri, 2013-06-21 19:52
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love redstone i have made many really neat things and want to learn more. along with that i am willing to give up some of my redstone secrets in order to to help better people and this server with redstone. i have not found many redstone servers that actully have anything to do with redstone and i want to connect with others who love redstone as much as i do.
Current Redstone knowledge:
two of the most advanced things i have built out of redstone are a room where the lights dont go off untill everyone has left (using no command blocks). this room also featured a toggle switch. I am currently working on a system to open as many doors as i want at diffrent times useing only one redstone wire. though this would be useless at close rang it would be verry efficient for longer rang traveles.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have alwasy loved redstone and always worked with it. I figured out how to make a self building bridge using a cobble generator a few days after it was put on youtube. and i had done this before anyone else put it on youtube. as far as outside expirence i have very little besides one of my friends when we some times work on redstone together. I am mostly self taught through pure expiramenting. with the combination of commandblocks and redstone i can do an incredible ammount of stuff.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I can not think of anything that i have not stated previously.
Application status:
Not approved
Not approved
Dear Goodgui,
You made it hard for us to judge this application. It's nearly approveable, but we want to see more specific examples of what you have built in the past. Also, it would be nice to know if you know any logic gates or binary (can be found on wikipedia).
Good luck on your new application.