Application 5020

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love redstone and have been looking for ages to find a decent server, ive recently started practicing and learning up on stuff to get better and i now want to begin learning a bit more and for me i think the best way to do that is to do it with other people, i also wanted somewhere, where i can test out things and if i cant figure it out just ask a neighbor. i mainly just want some were to have fun with redstone with others.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
at the moment i know XOR Gates XNOR Gates i also know RS Nor Latches Which I Used As Memory for a nine digit combination lock. i also used a t-flipflop to use buttons on a 4x4 door that originally i used a lever but i wanted to have a 2 inputs so i used buttons connected to a t-flip flop connected to the piston door. i also know or gates, and gates nand gates nor gates. im not the worst and i am defenately not the best.
Past Redstone Experience: 
well i created a 4x4 redstone clock whick started by a 9x9 digit combonation lock which used RSNOR Latches and lots of redstone :p. the actual clock used a 12 long piston memory array conected to inverted pistons on a iron block wall which counted up to eight using a 16 tick clock wich is real in game time (i think)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Hope this one passes :)
Application status: 


My second application-korab

By korab1