Application 5025

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
This server seems good to start more complicated redstone creations ,- and circuits. I found this server looking for "minecraft redstone server 1.5" And this was the onlyone that looked worth a try, so i registered. What am i exepcting is finding people to build redstone creations with, and people that are better than me, so i can ask for some help if i get stuck on redstone creations, as is usyally do.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I dont know really much at high complicated redstone creations, but im learning fast, and i can do something useful, atleast i think so. I do know all the basics, like t flip flop, rapid impulser, some gates, clocks and stuff like that. I think, if i pass the application im going to be the dude, that asks help for the betters, and i except im getting help when im asking for.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I think my best redstone creation is 4x4 piston door in slot of 15x15x15 so its not realy good creation. I really dont know the names of the parts of the door, but i used some complicated (for me) redstone circuits, and worked with the door a long time. I think the circuit i used for using 2 levers, is "xor gate" Or something.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I speak finland, but i think i write english pretty well. I hope ill get accepted even though my application is not the best one..
Application status: 