Application 5026

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
it is a redstone server, and i want to make redstone projects. this is also one of the best, so i want to join this server to make some redstone things, also i just want to make some doors, games , and i saw that this server has very good redstone, better than the other servers, mush better.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i am working on a compackt-invissible 2x2 door and also a 3x3 also made a calculator,(look at i also know all the basic switchs, and,nand,xor,nand,and other.but i am not very good in really huge projects such as pacman
Past Redstone Experience: 
calculator( i used and nand and xnor switches. a budd switch trap, i used a bud switch i also made some traps,all made with block update detectors and im good in hoppers and sortage machines, i used just a hopper and a compacator.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i have a site,
Application status: 
Not approved


onlybob's picture

Website does not work.

By onlybob