Application 5097

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
How did i find this server? A:i was looking for redstone server's How good i'm i at redstone? A:I'm not that good but i can build a clock,Timer,mini games and more Why are you interested of joining? A:because i wanna do redstone project that other's can and i can't
Current Redstone knowledge: 
What is your current redstone knowledge? A:I can build a two way repeater What is your abilities? A:i can make andGates,mini games,auto potion labs,door's,lock,combo lock
Past Redstone Experience: 
What do you expect to learn on this server? A:more then what i know now Did you ever invent any thing out of redstone before? A:yes,I made my own two way repeater
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
this is the last time i'm doing this
Application status: 
Not approved


Flandyn's picture

When 40% of this applicatoin basically consists of questions written on a wall in spawn. it has an average on 1,5 lines. And for the last time, that the requirement is 2 full lines per question. Then I got nothing to say, then that this is denied.

By Flandyn