posted by lolscale
on Sat, 2013-07-06 17:54
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've been looking for a good redstone server for a long time now. I just want to talk to some other people which know about Redstone and work with them on some interesting projects like calculators, displays, RAMs or even small computers. I also would like to be involved in redstone projects because I think I'm good at redstone, binary numbers, calculating or displaying someting.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how to use basic logic gates like XOR, XNOR, OR, NOR, AND and so on. I also can build bigger circuits like adders or multipliers.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've already built a 64 byte RAM, a 4x4 bits multiplier, a 6 bit adder.
My 64 byte RAM used D-Flipflops and was controlled by pressing some buttons and changing some levers. If both the output of the Flipflop and the global read command for the actual byte were high, the output went onto the (binary) "torch" display. For example, if I wanted to display the number 10001011, the left torch, the 2 torches on the right and one torch in the middle was turned on.
A long time ago i've built a kind of cinema with 16 Pixels (2x2 blocks moved with pistons) which played a film with a length of about 100 Redstone ticks (saving of the film included). At first, the film was saved in Repeaters which were in a circuit (a kind of clock). Each repeater had a delay of 4 ticks, and so the film was turned on all the time. Later I changed the circuits saving the film into AND-Gates. One input was a kind of "clock", the second input easily was a lever. If you pressed the button to play the film, a redstone signal went on to the first AND-Gate, was delayed 4 ticks after it, went to the next AND-Gate, was delayed 4 ticks after it, and so on. That time I used CraftBook's Transmitter and Receiver IC's in order not to need much redstone.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'm sorry if my English isn't very good, but I'm trying to write as well as I can.
Sometimes (if I have an idea what to build) I'm online nearly 4 hours a day or more, but if I have no idea or I just don't want to hear anything about minecraft it is possible that i'm not online for weeks.
If you think I'm too young for joining your server, I have to accept that, but I really please you to give me a try.
Application status: