Application 5645

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really love redstone and I would love to be able to share my creations with the world and vice versa. I also love being able to see what other people have made and I haven't been able to do that yet, unless you count watching Sethbling and ACTennisAC.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Well I know quite a lot. I can make a working proximity detector that can actually sense if your walking closer, not just if your close. I also once made a cool animal pen controlled by a double piston and dispensers so you can have an animal appear on the glowstone with a push of a button. I can make gates and the famed "Last surviving one tick pulse monostable" I can also make adventure mapy stuff like cutscenes, etc.
Past Redstone Experience: 
If your considering servers, I once made an AWESOME secret base in Minealot, but then they reset their creative server... But in just experience, pretty much what I said above. And ill describe some of my creations in more detail I guess. The animal farm has three buttons and they all activate a double piston retracter, but in each, depending on which button you pressed, 8 ticks later an animal spawns on the retracted block of glowstone.. then it extends and that's pretty much it. The proximity detector is a few command blocks, one on a clock set to checking for anyone relatively close to the objective, it powers a toggleclock checking for you being closer, and then does it again until your right next to the objective. Ive made a booby trapped trading room with hoppers concealed by carpet so when someone throws something for the other guy, the hopper funnels it to your base or whatever.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Ill say some stuff about me. I am very fair and kind, and also really smart. (sorry if that sounds like bragging) I usually don't sugarcoat things and am very literal so sorry in advance if I say something offensive cause I usually don't realize it.
Application status: 