Application 5813

minercafter1818's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I'am interesting in joining this server because i want to build amazing redstone creations into this server and use all my redstone knowledge through it. I have multiple friends on this server too. I build many redstone creations in single player and in Jackcat's server, but would love to build them on this server because it is all about redstone and I love redstone because there are so many different ways to build with it! This server has all my friends on it and minminermincraft has been telling me about how fun it is.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
First I will start off with a Redstone circuit. A redstone circuit is a structure that can be built to activate or control. Curcuits can be created to act in response to player activation, or to operate autonomously- either on a loop, or in response to non-player activity such as mob movement, item drops, plant growth and more. The mechanisms that can be controlled by redstone circuits range from simple devices ( automatic doors and light switches), to complex devices (elevators, automatic farms, in game computers). The subject of redstone structures is giant. I only provided an overview of redstone circuits which can be created. Lets start off with redstone basics. A redstone component is a block that provides some purpose to a redstone circuit. A power component provides power to all or part of a circuit(redstone torch, button, lever, redstone block etc). A transmission component passes power from one part of the circuit to another(redstone wire, redstone repeater, redstone comparator). A manchanism component affects the environment (piston, redstone lamp, dispenser. Power: Some kind of blocks could be powered or unpowered. Some blocks will show their powered state visibility. (for example, redstone wire lights up, a piston extends). Opaque blocks can be strongly powered or weakly powered. Weakly powered block will not power adjacent redstone wire. Any power component will strongly power a block, as will a repeater or comparator. Power lever can vary from 0 to 15. Most power components provide power level 15, but redstone comparators and daylight sensors provide a variable amount of power. Redstone wire transmits power to the closer redstone wire, but its strength decreases by 1 for each traveled blck. Power level only fades with wire to wire transmission, not between wire and a device or block. Redstone updates and redstone ticks occur sometimes too. I'm going to move on to signals and pulses. Circuits with a stable output are said to produce a signal- an ON signal (also on high or 1) if powered or an OFF signal (low, 0) if unpowered. When a signal changes from OFF to ON and then back again, that is described as a pulse, while the opposite is described as an OFF pulse. ON pulse are far more common. A circuit performs operations on signals. A manchanism manipulates the environment. The wiki describes the circuit size. Features: There are multiple kinds of features: 1tall,1wide,flat,flush,instant,flush,tileable. There are many different types circuits. I sill list them all to my knowledge: Tranmisson circuit: vertical transmission, repeater, diode, Logic circuit: Or gates, AND gates Pulse gates:pulse generated, pulse limiter, pulse extender, pulse delay, edge detecter, pulse duration tester oscilloscope Clock circuit: Repeater clocks, hopper clocks and piston clocks Memory circuit RS latch, t flip flop d flip flop, JK latch, counter Miscellaneous circuits: multiplexers, randomizers, multi-bit circuits, block update detectors. I hope this enough information for you. This is the redstone knowledge I know.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I made multiple redstone Creations: A redstone computer, A giant flushing toilet, ALOT of tnt redstone cannons, many automatic farms (wheat mostly), A bunch of big redstone lamps, A dance floor, and redstone light house, many piston creations with redstone, x ray vision machine, and a working washing machine. I also created ALOT of redstone roller coasters and rides. My redstone computer includes symbols numbers memory execution data control mapping processing. The redstone computer is hard to explain but you press a button which leads to multiple redstone controls you have to press. I created the redstone computer a couple weeks ago and TOOK a long time. i think the redstone computer is my greatest redstone creation. Unfortuantly i never took any pictures of my computer, or other creations:(. One of my best creations was a giant tnt cannon which uses multiple redstone, glowstone and tnt. You press a button and shooter up in the air ,but was destroyed my someone.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i will say that i'm a girl and that i'm minminermincraft's older sister. Please give me a chance. I love to build with redstone and would love to build some amazing creations on your server if you gave me a chance.
Application status: 