posted by WhiteShadow1027
on Fri, 2013-08-02 21:01
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have been playing PandaCraft and Skyblock for a long time now and I never really get an opportunity to use or expand my redstone capabilities. I think this server will really be helpful and fun in discovering new and awesome ways to make redstone creations.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I have extensive working knowledge of most if not all redstone components. i have made several 'hotels' with 'working' showers, room differentiated lighting, automatic doors, and I have really specialized in hidden or secret door locks and entrances. I would love to make more complicated redstone machinery like an accurate digital clock system and large scale games.
Past Redstone Experience:
One of my more complex creations I remember offhand is my house lock system which uses a simple combination lock combined with a comparator for the owner to control when the lock is active or inactive. It was a 32-bit lock mechanism. One hint was given involving some phrase or riddle which you needed to be converted to binary, hex, or other coding systems to input correctly.
I began work on an accurate clock, but never had a chance to finish it due to my server being lost.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would really love to learn more complex systems that can be made with redstone and I think this server is a great opportunity for that.
Application status: