Application 5898

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am experienced with redstone and i wish to gain more knowledge. i also wish to help others with redstone if possible. redstoners seem to be pretty cool and fun to work with so i would enjoy working with other people. i like the creations that i see on the server. i do not wish to try and show people up or make people jealous of creations i just wish to build and hopefully find someone that likes what i am doing.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know a lot of redstone but i dont often search tutorials i like to make things on my own for more of a challenge. I know about half of the gates and latches (rs norlatch, and gate, xor gate, nor gate, ect) also i know most circuits (monostable, falling edge, ect) also other things (t flip flop, pulse limiters pulse extenders, ect) I may not know all of the things the pros do but i sure can make things on my own without tutorials.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have recently made piston extenders including quad horizontal piston extender tripple horizontal and vertical piston extenders. I have also been working on a large display computer well picture display i guess you can call it. Ive been working alot with elevators also i really enjoy elevators they are one of my favorite things to make. My piston extenders use no logic except 1 monostable circuit and some repeaters. C: my computer is using bud switched rs norlatches for memory and my elevators arent using any logic besides maybe considered pulse extenders!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
The only thing else id like to say is i do not wish to be judged. i may make stupid simple mistakes but i am capable of much more than most people think! I will not judge unless i am judged. In my opinion everyones creation is cool even if its not the most compact it gives an idea for others! so maybe it can be a template for a more complex redstoner. All i ask is for respect with my creations and i will give you respect back! I really have been looking forward to just working with other people and i think this will be a good breakthrough!
Application status: 