Application 5901

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
(making a second one because my first one was too short!) I have been palying minecraft since 1.3 Beta and have always loved redstone, it started with presure plates that opened 2 doors next to eachother, than I started building traps auto-farms and now I am compacting stuff, making my own stuf, and designing my own stuff! about me, I like sproting, esspecially in the water! I can swim a few kilometers before I get tired! and I love playing on servers. I really like getting good at survival, making iron farms, Many mob farms, etc.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I think i'm just the handyman under the redstoners! Haha! if someone has a problem I fix it, I'm now using the mechanical side of redstone, the part that is usefull in survival, and not only awesome like computers! but I'd like to learn the technical side, I know a few simple things, but nothing fancy!
Past Redstone Experience: 
like my previous post It's my combo lock! I have now made en even smaller version, because I was chalanging Wolf who could get the smallest lock ( the code is 12345 and that makes it so small) it is actuelly really bad because the code can only be 12345 but it shows how compact you can get it!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
about the pics: first one is the ultra small one (5 inputs) the second one is one witg 15 inputs (to show you that it is infinitly expandible) the tird ine is the notmal 5 input one I made (to show how small it is)
Application status: 