posted by kjhgf99
on Wed, 2013-08-21 23:59

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Most creative servers don't let me place any redstone. I want to practice my redstone with other people. I usually play with my friend on my private server but it doesn't feel like we are making any progress since we don't know as much as the redstone geniuses such as minecraftpg5 and mumbo jumbo. I feel like I might be able to learn from this server by more experienced users.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know most of the logic gates of redstone
I know all the basics like the redstone limit of 15 blocks... blah blah
I know how to make a 2x2 and a 1x2 piston door
I made a little trade shop in my world but my friend blew it up (he is like the demolitionist of MC)
That's all I know for basics cause I'm still a redstone noob
Past Redstone Experience:
I know how to make a sand printer
it works by the sand is held up by a piston.
once you are done adding sand/gravel you can pull the piston back making the sand fall.
the sand falls next to a piston which gets powered by the sand block making it be pushed.
once it gets finished with a row the whole piston row pushes the sand using the same logic as the last sentence.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would like to thank you if i get accepted.
and if I don't it's fine.
Some people would think I'm a super-genius with redstone just because I'm Asian (lol stereotype)
I love making piston inventions :P
I speak Chinese, English, and a bit of Spanish and Japanese(naruto ftw)
That's all I have to say
Thank you for your time :)
Application status: