posted by OnyxAltair
on Sat, 2013-08-24 17:57
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am really interested in redstone computeing and want to help the server with redstone computers ie; building very fast and powerful ALUs, graphics displays etc.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Knowledge of mostly all logic gates, knowledge of instant vanilla redstone over long distanses, piston and redstone lamp knowledge, etc (Pretty much everything to do with redstone!)
Past Redstone Experience:
8 bit ALU, 16 bit ALU (both with 11 operations, and the 16 bit ALU was bi-tshiftless) 3D GPU (useing virtual coords stored in binary) 4 kilobytes of RAM, large scale displays (64x86 displays) large scale instant redstone wireing, large understanding of cpu architecture (I usualy use my own architecture in makeing a CPU, but id like to get to know more) and alot more with large scale redstone creations for servers.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I recently upgraded my OS and lost most of my computer decelopment, i do have these 2 models i was starting out though if you would like to see the kind of work i do
Application status: