Application 5965

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i am interested because i love redstone and i would love to learn from other peoples creations. i am not the best but i will learn on the server from people and be able to make better things so i think you're server will improve my skills.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i dont know much but i can make piston doors and hidden hallways and i can make things pop out of the ground so i would love to make some of that stuff for you guys. and i will learn more from youre server
Past Redstone Experience: 
in my amusement park that i made in single player i made a pop up monster and i also made redstone lamps flash on and off. i also make redstone in survival and make cool doorways and stuff.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
im sorry if this affects my app if i don't have links but i don't have anything to record my creations but i would love to learn from people. thanks for taking time to read this -samhastings
Application status: 
Not approved


i hope i can have fun learning from people on this server

By samhastings