Application 5976

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in joining this server because I am not the best and I would like to learn more. On other creative servers, not many people do redstone and I find myself with no inspiration, building the same things on every world. I think it would be fun to collaborate with other people who know more about redstone than me because I would learn more and have the ability to build more things on my own.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know many basic redstone elements, such as decoders, Flip-Flops, logic gates (XOR, AND, etc.) I know about redstone mobfarms, and am familiar with the mechanics of mob spawning. I have a very basic knowledge about redstone GPUs.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have built a 4 bit computer with an ALU, ROM, and RAM. I have experimented with semi-automatic and automatic melon, and reed farms. Both farms were powered by Block Update Detectors, which ran to pistons that pushed the melon/reeds into the water.I have built a mobfarm that spit out approximately 10,000 items per hour. The mobfarms were built with four main channels, which split the room into four equal pieces. At each corner, there was a dispenser with a water bucket that would wash the mobs into the channels. I have built minigames, such as Rock Paper Scissors and Shoot the Duck (chicken). Rock Paper Scissors was made with a locking selector for the buttons hooked up to a decoder. Shoot the Duck was made by a dispenser full of chicken eggs. The chickens would fall, and if you had not killed the chicken with your bow by the time it hit the stone pressure plate you would lose. I have also built 4 kilobytes of RAM (with worldedit).
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I am sorry I only have one screenshot of my work (my rock paper scissor minigame). This is because I never usually take screenshots. However, I am confident that I will be a good addition to the redstone server if I am accepted. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
Application status: 