posted by Whizzo40
on Thu, 2013-08-29 13:38
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I joined once before with another IGN (James00754), but due to convenience of not having to switch accounts, I would prefer to have both accounts learned. During my time with my last account, I really liked the friendly atmosphere the place had.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Full understanding on logic gates and how they can be used (not good at shifting them around in terms of putting them in strange orientations).
Complete knowledge on binary and decoders, and have used them to good measure.
Good understanding on the strange ways to power stuff (BUDS)
Past Redstone Experience:
Hangman - - programmable letters using a decoder, then running the letters through a RAM to check for the letter used, and adding it to the lifes if not
Connect 4 - memory cells which flick between each of the counters using RAM, the logic of which I took off a PIC program I wrote to use in the effect.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I am keen on combining small coding with Minecraft, as In using coding to think of ways a process could be done, then using minecraft's logic systems to fully decipher it.
Application status: