Application 600

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well,, in Minecraft I love doing redstone projects and roleplaying on a different server- but outside of my laptop, I am a great student in school, my very best subject is math. I love playing the violin in my school orchestra, and am also part of a school club called FBLA- Future Business Leaders of America. In fact, I am the treasurer.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have created many a redstone contraptions, some of which I have on my Youtube channel, including: A dispenser trap. ( A button counter. ( A combo-locked door. ( Now, I have also figured out how to get mobs out of minecarts! I am currently making an animal factory, but not done. And perhaps my most favorite/best accomplishment would be my "Double Track 4 Way Minecart Intersection with Multi-Rider Support." I have no footage of this-yet. But how it works is you plug it into a road system, it is 16x16, and height approx 24 (going into the ground approx 18 blocks underground) and a rider comes up to it, clicks either the left button, right button, or go straight button. It looks like a mess, the 6 blocks above the ground, but very user friendly. The multi-rider support works like this: one cart comes into the intersection and presses a detector rail. This stops cart #2 from coming into the intersection. If there is a cart 3, your screwed XD. Please see anything else for some plans with this.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Ok first, I really hope being an utter nerd doesn't hold me back here. Second, (serious now) what I hope to do in the server is make a town where I can implement all of my redstone things, a modern utopia for redstoners and villagers alike. There would be a road system completely designed by me, and would hopefully inlclude my favorite creation involving intersections! ;) But anyways, I have been looking for a server that would support me in this endeavor, and I saw that towns do exit (via the last rule I think it was) so I am hoping that players an build them. This would probably be done in creative, since building a town filled with redstone can be resource-consuming in SMP. But even if not, I would simply love to be a part of this server, it just seems awesome. One more thing, I usually type with near perfect grammar and spelling and such when posting in forums or something, but in game, that's a whole 'nother story. I am not TERRIBLE in-game, but I don't really capitalize or spell out world like please (pls or plz), you (u), are (r), thank you (ty), and all that stuff. I hope this won't make much of a difference. Oh, and sorry if this was excessive, I tend to do that with applications. :( But thank you!
Application status: 


I had it nice and layed out with my seperate paragraphs-so much for that. Sorry.

By 0bitasy0

I had it nice and layed out with my seperate paragraphs-so much for that. Sorry.

By 0bitasy0