posted by kilagreen
on Sat, 2013-09-21 07:28

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have been looking for a Redstone server for awhile now. I have designed my own auto creations to do a wide variety things. Such as one click fully auto brews and other things as simple as just daylight sensor lighting for houses. I can never really find any one that can impress me with there Redstone knowledge. It would be very nice to the be guy that's like" Wow!!! How does that work?". I am also very respectful and understanding. Who knows! Maybe I can show you guys some things to 0.- but probably not.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Advanced Redstone user. Wouldn't know where to start...
Past Redstone Experience:
Well that is hard to say! Ok so I have never gone all out and made a super computer or anything like that. Don't get me wrong if I wanted to understand it. The thing is I just don't see the point cause, I play mostly Pvp faction based servers there is no to build such things. So saying that the my favorite creation is a fully auto brewer. Not to sure how to explain how it works I very bad Typing and fail collage comp! LoL but ill try anyways. Ok you hit a button it activates a repeaters connected to droppers. The droppers dispense items in order to be brewed to the stands via hoppers. All droppers except for one and it will drop an item into a web that falls 5 high to make sure all the pot brew fully. When the items fall though the web it lands in to a hopper on a chest that has a comparator next to the hopper and it sends a signal that cut off hoppers allow the brewed pots to pass though them and into a chest. Very High yield!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
My internet is not the best for uploading. So if you really want to see some stuff i have built I will but if not I much rather show you in game.
Application status: