Application 6187

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
because i love redstone! i thought this server looked really cool also i couldnt find any other server that offers redstone use
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know alot of things i know about -NOT-gate -sticky pistons that pull the block away then the redstone signal going across stops -redstone clocks -i know about reapeters or the old way repeater redstone torch on a block redstone behind, the redstone behind is deactivated, make another on and then the redstone singnal is activated again. -my singature will be a deathmachine that i will make -i know about note blocks, but not TOO much - i know a lot more stuff if i kept listing them this question would go on for hours
Past Redstone Experience: 
-once i made a cool death machine but it was on single player. i built this by making a spawn where you can activate which death you want. there would be a redstone lamp on top of of a block a lever was on, you would flick the lever and the lamp would tell you when its on. there would be a death area with a pressure plate in a one block space when u were to touch the pressure plate a block would go up from a sticky piston pusing it up (the entrance was 2 block high and a one block space inside so when the piston went up u were stuck) but only to notice that you can fly up! well! i fixed that very soon i put a redstone torch beside the block the pressure plate was on since the redstone torch inverts the way the redstone, works when you were to fly up, a piston would block you >:3 i made a lot of deaths so then i had to make another death area so i he first death area i made a water death and a lava death, (i had much more deaths) but i quickly noticed that that you could do do water+lava, so that pissed me off. i quickly came with a solution. i would make a redstone signal going to a sticky piston with a block infront of it so when you made water + lava the second choice had the block pulled back (the block was in front of the signal) so when the block was pulled back no redstone signal would go through. i think thats all for the death machine. - i am currently making a calculator in single player but when i am finished it i will try and re-create it on the server. -i have a lot of nifty inventions that i made for eample i made a 4x4 space i put a lever on a block there would be 6 piston on each side,one holding a block facing left and another hold a piston facing left the piston that was being held was in the back and facing towards you now you just do the same thing on the other side but the pistons holding the block and the piston that was facing towards you was facing right. so i would put a redstone signal going to each piston both signals on the hight of the second block so the signal could go to both without having to make some complex thing. so the signal that was going to the two pistons holding things was a repeater why? for this is because 1: the redstone would loop making it impossible for the pistons to get a signal 2: because if there was no repeater i couldnt put it on 4 tics so if its not on 4 tics the pistons holding the things will go to fast for the piston facing you to pull the block back(the block gets pushed by the piston facing you from the piston beside the block pusing it left or right. so now all we need is one thing we get two repeaters so they can power the piston infront (you have to have redstone behind the repeaters so they repeaters can get power and so you can get the signal to the other side so the piston on the other side can work. so its pretty simple i have ade my most compact one it is very small my first version took up like a 50 by 50 space >.> now its like 10 by 5 :D i think those are by best things so far but im new to redstone :/ i have only been using redstone for about 2 weeks >.> so you cant blame me if i make a few mistakes it redstone :/ thanks for reading all that! :D i couldnt get any screenshots when i take a screenshot my minecraft crashes for some reason but my computer is beast >.> when it crashes i cant get the screenshot because it crashed when my minecraft crashes like that it deletes all my saves and data, all my mods worlds texture packs. so thats why i cant takw screenshots.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i think im beast at redstone :3
Application status: 