posted by zassi12
on Mon, 2013-09-30 15:48
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
im an old redstone freak.
actualy im registered since 2012 on the website and i forgot about it.
Searching for something different instead of playing minecraft regulary.
Current Redstone knowledge:
everything not sure if there is something i dont know about.
maybe computers stupid stuff so complex takes way to long to build.
im more into things like doors elevators testing the relative new comparators/hopers and dropers.
stuff like that nothing too complex.
Past Redstone Experience:
pff many things.
hmm how about a stair elevator with timed sticky pistons that runs on a single upwards pressurplate trigered signal.
Or a seamless 3 by 3 door.
Various traps, timed dungeon obstacles.
dont know whatever you can think of.
i play minecraft for almost 3 years now i did thousends of things.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
dont be to harsh on my grammar im not 100% fluid on english.
im from austria.
Application status: