Application 6204

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this server so i can get inspired to build other contraptions. I am still an intermediate redstoner and since I browsed the creations on this server I was inspired. I want to build much larger scale designs and projects. This server also seems very friendly.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
My redstone knowledge is most likely at the intermediate level. I know enough to sit down and create something amazing and make powerful contraptions. I understand logic gates, comparators, pulse modifiers (limiter, duel edge monostable circuit, extender, lenghener.)
Past Redstone Experience: 
I make all sorts of hidden designs such as trapdoors using BUDs and other things. I have also modified many popular redstoners designs such as Mumbo, Xisuma, and even SethBling. I compact many elevators down and make them work better using torch towers and T-Flip Flops.
Application status: 
Not approved