posted by Snake
on Fri, 2013-10-04 04:41

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'd love to share my knowledge with others who are newer to redstone, I also am hoping to learn alot more about redstone I didn't know, I've been taking a look around the learners area and seeing some excellent builds. I'd like to combine my building technique with others to make a better redstone creation.
Current Redstone knowledge:
It's very hard to actually put it in words rather then, well, build! Well, i'll do the best I can. So obviously we know the basics, lets get into a few advanced/intermediate sort of redstone, I've been working alot with a T-Flip-Flop, and yes both torches have to be power to get the output signal, clocks, almost all different kinds, a piston with a block that the block goes over 2 redstone torches, to power one, the redstone input, the second output, the input goes in the back of the piston to go revolving. Again, Redstone repeater into a block to power a redstone output block/dust. I would have to explain more to you or whomever to explain more.
Past Redstone Experience:
Well, I've done alot, i'll name some of the more "Advanced" builds if you will. So my first advanced creation was rainbow runner, using a simple piston memory. Then I went on to a digital display of pistons, creating what we know as a Television. To the more advanced stuff, a computer that had a few minigames like pong and gold rush. Which I need to get more ram for it, another reason why I want to be on this server for some more knowledge.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Well, I do a few youtube videos here, nothing to special, only 20 subs sadly.
Application status: