Application 6222

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because im not the greatest at redstone and i want to learn more about redstone to make better contraptions. i want to learn because i want to become an electrition when i'm older so i think redstone would help me with it when i get older. i like redstone because of the many things you could do with it and without redstone in minecraft there would be no hidden entrances and other contraptions that minecrafters like. and my brother could help me with stuff because he`s a good redstoner (Thefighter191)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know how to make basic redstone creations such as displays, compact redstone bud switches and othe basic things like that. i know quite a few gates such as the AND and NOT and XOR also the OR gate. i have also made atomatic farms like melon farms, sugercane farms and wheat + Cocoa bean farms. i do not know binary but i know it works with redstone in some way. i know you can have redstone go 15 blocks frome the sorce block before you need a repeater
Past Redstone Experience: 
A large display that is 20 x 20. i used redstone torch rom to power it. i built a hipster secret stairs entance that is extendable to 15 stairs up. i also designed a very compact t flip-flop that uses a piston mono stable circit. I also made a suger cane farm the runs on a hopper clock and a mono stable circirt and isfully extendeble frome bedrock to hight limit. i also finished a redstone clock based on daylight sensors to count up to 15 then count back down and at night it just says 00.
Application status: 