posted by DeathAdder10
on Sun, 2013-10-13 11:06
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because I would like a server dedicated to redstone to test and improve on my redstone knowledge. I have been on the server for about a week and have seen some amazing creations. I believe I could contribute to the server and help my own redstone knowledge. I have been just visiting these builds but now I would like to build great contraptions for myself.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I have been playing MC for ove two years now, so I have a fair bit of redstone knowledge. I have watched many tutroials, concepts and more. I have been inspired by Mumbo Jumbo, Sethbling, DicoTheRedstoner, Sydney600MC and many more. I know about gates monostables and just about any other mechanism you could mention.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have created a 2x2 flush seamless glass trapdoor. This uses double extanders, fancy trickery with pistons and is botton operated (incorporated t-flip-flop). I am in the process of making a tiny 2 high 3x3 trapdoor and a 5x5 vault door (lamp is a possibliity)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I also play on a server with Thegunmaster and Selulance (if you dont know them youtube them) who have helped me in the past with many builds and I have seen many huve doors, 7x15 walls and many more
Application status: