posted by Azele_Marquise
on Mon, 2013-10-14 00:26

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining because my knowledge of redstone is small compared to others. I would like to be taught on how to use redstone multiple ways and make giant redstone contraptions like a redstone rubiks cube. Since there arent any videos on how to build one i figured this server would help me learn to make one.
Current Redstone knowledge:
So far my current redstone knowledge is small. All i know is binary, a couple of gates, and the fact that redstone can only go 16 blocks without being refreshed. but in the future with the help from this server, i can learn more and be more in depth with redstone. Soon, with the help of this server, I can become a redstone master.
Past Redstone Experience:
My past redstone experience is building a toaster where you put in raw items like ores, meats, or even potatoes into a hopper and it will pop out the ending result at the other end. i have also made a mob safety system that tells you when it is safe and not safe to go outside. Though, there are still bugs in it like it doesn't tell you if there is a creeper at your door when you wake up.
Application status: