Application 6361

zaCallaway's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have always enjoyed discovering complex systems. May it be a programming language, math, or redstone circuitry. The simple building blocks we get can lead us per trial and error to find out things, and in this context these things can be used to make awesome minecraft stuff :D Meanwhile, although I really do enjoy using redstone, I don't know anyone who shares my interest for it, so I think that a joining a server where essentially everyone knows and likes redstone would be the greatest way for me to improve a lot. (Also playing alone gets pretty boring :P)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I experimented a lot with redstone at first, finding things out like that torches are negated when their blocks are powered, and I mainly used redstone to make a ton of PvP traps etc... Then when pistons came out I got a lot more invested and also made research on it. I now know all about different gates, (AND, OR, NOT, etc...), I know about T-flip-flops and about RS-NOR-Latches. I know all about different kinds of clocks, normal ones, repeater based ones and hopper clocks a little as well. With my full piston knowledge also comes BUD-switches, although I don't think that I know everything about these. Finally I also know essentially how railtracks work, but my main focus lately has been trying to learn all possible things about command blocks and wireless redstone, as I think that it can offer great new possibilities.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I built a lot of small things, like falling traps, hidden passages with pistons, automatic sugarcane farms etc... My first project with a friend was a self repairing castle, and self repairing bridges, which in the end worked really well, even against tnt cannons :D Then we built a system where when you click on a button, a pig gets trapped in a minecart, and then randomly either gets ejected in a lava pit that opens up (pistons) just when the pig falls on it or a cactus trap, while a giant creeper face starts crying. My first real big project was a 48*48 block wide screen, with 2*2 block "pixels" all over it. I made a control panel next to it with 18 levers, and you could choose to display any number between 00 and 99 with them (as well as a creeper face :D). I also built a 3*4 door that could be opened and closed with pistons rigged together. It was rigged up with another identic door, so that both could never be opened at once, but closed together (kind of an airlock).
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Well first of all, thanks for reading this, and second -> Read the README in the well.rar in the link. It explains the nature of the screenshots. I unfortunately couldn't find the best ones :(. Anyways, I hope that you understand. If you are not satisfied with the screenshots, I can assure you that I can prove all that I said I can do live :D I'm looking forward on playing on your server, Thanks, theCallaway.
Application status: 


woesh0007's picture

I did not download you screenshots (we prefer uploads thru imgur, not a full download), but the application is very nice and approved.

I hope you'll have fun on our server.


By woesh0007