posted by deli73
on Sun, 2013-11-03 22:09

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I would like to join this server for several reasons. Firstly, this is a creative server with a lot more freedom than most, which means I can do a lot more with redstone and minecarts that I couldn’t do on some other servers because “this item is banned because it’s exploited to create lag”. And don’t worry, I promise to always turn my clocks and minecart contraptions off when I leave. I don’t want to cause lag for anyone else. The second reason I want to join is that, from what I can tell, the staff and members of this server are friendly and kind, which is surprisingly hard to come by on minecraft servers.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know quite a bit about redstone. I can construct basic 2x2 piston doors and logic gates, as well as t flip-flops, various types of clocks/oscillators, and have used these basic skills to make much more interesting contraptions. I also have discovered the usefulness of slabs and glowstone in redstone wiring, and am using this to my advantage as well. I’m currently working on finding a way to make a compact XOR gate, but it’s trickier than it sounds.
Past Redstone Experience:
One of my best redstone creations is an automatic villager-on-demand system. It uses /summon(1.7 update) to spawn a minecart on a rail, and then subsequently a villager which automatically hops into it. With redstone repeaters this is delayed properly so that a rail is activated immediately afterwards, propelling the villager into view of the player who pressed the button that activated the machine. The villager is then stopped by a deactivated minecart rail. After trading is complete, the player may simply press the same button again, because it activates the deactivated rail, simultaneously sending the villager off wherever you wish and spawning a new one. The third link shows my video about it.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I also specialize in minecraft aesthetics. Give me some slabs, some stairs, and a block, and I'll make something beautiful.
Application status: