posted by Block1127
on Fri, 2013-11-15 00:42

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
The server has to do with redstone and I am interested in it so Anything with redstone I'm in with it and I will help out with other peoples redstone. And with the Redstone server it is fun because the people on it play and interact with you and the redstone creations are really cool with the interactive redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Different switchers will power redstone wiring in order to make things happen like sticky pistons, redstone dust, and dispensers are the easiest. RS NOR Latch Once the top button is pressed, the current will flip to the other side and stay there until the opposite bottom button is pressed. Depending on which output is used, the top and bottom buttons will be on/off or off/on. The reasoning as to why is not complicated either. Once the top button is pressed, a current will flow into the block that it is attached to and into the torch, disabling it. Once the torch is disabled, the wiring that it is connected to will also turn off, thus releasing the disabling effect on the opposite block/torch. Now we are flipped and pressing the button on the opposite side will have the opposing effect. A quick note on the name, "RS" stands for "Reset" and "Set". If you press one button, it will set it, but if you press the other, it will reset. Pretty cool.
Past Redstone Experience:
A hidden redstone building house i used the converter, repeater logic, piston logic, bud switch logic, gpu logic, cpu logic and unit converter logic. The converter logic, bud switch logic, gpu logic, cpu logic and unit converter logic was the hardest one to do with the hidden redstone building house.
Application status: