Application 6538

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have been looking for a good private server for a while with people that are also interested in redstone as i am. I just so happened to find this one, the main things i was looking for was a friendly server with active players and players that have a good knowledge in redstone. Also i am hoping to meet new people that have the same interest within minecraft it self (which is redstone ofcourse).
Current Redstone knowledge: 
At the moment my redstone knowledge is intermediate i would say, however i am a quick learner and with other good 'role models' on the server i think i could improve at a good rate. I know most of the logic gates but not by heart, and i have a good idea how things work if i am shown something. Pistons are my favorite minecraft item, i have used them since beta 1.4 on the pistons mod and have fell in love with them since. almost all of my houses include piston contraptions of some sort as they have a wide range of uses.
Past Redstone Experience: 
PISTON DOORS! I can not tell you how many i have made on minecraft, i like to be as creative as i can with them. My first big creation was a massive monitor with 4 block pixels, when i first saw this on a picture i knew that it would be amazing if i could do it myself so i took to work on learning redstone. Someone who helped a lot was a youtuber called Rolf David, This guy was the man! i always found his minecraft videos so intresting and easy to understand and thats when i started to learn the basic logic gates (before pistons, 1.6 beta maybe?).
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
In minecraft improvement in redstone is a good objective for me, however learning in school is also good. My grandad put this quote in a birthday card for me and i have always found it relevant in many situations and i feel it links closely with both of these. "The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others." John Locke.
Application status: 