posted by icaron
on Sun, 2013-12-01 13:27

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
This server seems to have a lot of people that actualy know what they are doing. They make stuff like Pac-Man and a computer that says, 'Hi.' It has a lot of good creations. The people know how to make creations compact and things like that, and I realy need that, because I could never get my creations compact. They would almost always be every where. I love redstone because you can do stuff like make computers, and calculators.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Well I have loved redstone right from the start, and from then I have started making things like vending machines. I have once tried to <!--break--> make a computer but it failed because I just didn't have the time. I know a lot about redstone. The gates, the clocks, and the <!--break--> simple stuff like comparitors.
Past Redstone Experience:
As i previosly said I have made a Vending Machine. It used things like virdicle redstone, flat redstone, and on the server it was a <!--break--> challenge because I couldn't use water. My creation needed water to get the wanted items to the player and take the payed items from <!--break--> the players.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I personaly think this server will be the best redstone experionce for me because it has a lot of people that know what their doing, <!--break--> making a computer that says, 'Hi.' I could never do that. All of that stuff just seems to hard for me.
Remember any one can comment on my posts/applications. Dont be afraid.