Application 6576

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I like Minecraft and Redstone, and I've been looking at lots of servers where I can safely make Redstone stuff without it being griefed. This was the best one I could find, and it has even more than just the Redstone world, which is great.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know the basics of redstone, several things about command blocks, comparators, repeater behaviour, clocks, pistons, uses of glowstone for redstone current awesomization, etc. I also know about randomizers, /tellraw behaviour, summoning blocks with gravity, filled chests, command blocks with pre-set commands, geared mobs, secret base entrances, how to make hour clocks with literally four blocks in them, logic gates, and more. I follow sethbling, dragnoz and ACTennisAC on YouTube, remaking their creations into my world. Enough said.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In my creative mode world, if you simply throw my custom splash potion onto yourself, a menu will open in the chat, with clickable words that give you a kit, clear your inventory, set the time, allow you to teleport to various places, summon a fireball that you punch in the direction of your enemy to shoot it(with customizable speed and power), create floating water wherever you are, even in the Nether, die and respawn in a Bedrock room with Blindness that only ends when you teleport to a custom spawnpoint with a custom teleport in the chat, or go to the middle of nowhere and find a secret pressure plate which opens a secret piston door within my Jeb Door and access all my stuff in a control room only accessible with a super-compact wireless code pad. Of course, this all uses /tellraw, /scoreboard and /effect, with some /give and /clear, /summon, /time and /setblock, and a tiny bit of /enchant in my Wizard Tower.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I just hope I can use /scoreboard and /tellraw in this server.
Application status: 