Application 6580

ChingDynasty's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to lean more about redstone. I like to work with other people in my contraptions. I don't know much about redstone but I want to learn to extend my redstone knowledge. There's so much for me to learn!
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Piston elevator, Player shop, Seamless 2x2 piston door, 3x3 piston flush door, 4x4 vault door.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Player shop : It works with hoppers and comparators. If the "currency" is put in to the hopper. The comparator detects it put the "currency" in to a hidden chest and dispenses the product to the player. What if the player decides to give another thing that is different from the money? There are two hoppers, one hidden, one visible. The hidden one contains 22 money inside. It cant put in to the chest because heres a redstone current going into the hidden hopper. The comparator detects only 23 entiies, so if the player put the wrong type of entity, it will not dispense the product.
Application status: 