Application 6627

icaron's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
This server has a lot of very experionced people with redstone. They know things like RAM processing info, binary, and a lot of things like that. I would love to join this server 'cause i'de like to learn more about redstone. I know quite a bit about it but could know more. Just today i made a subtraction machine. It knows if its 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4! Most people like my brothers could never do something like that! To me that kind of stuff is not that complicated. That is why I think you should accept me into the server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know a lot about redstone. As i said i made a subtractor. Ive made things like a vending machine, a picture maker, a guessing game, and a lot of other things like that. I know some complicated things and understand them becuase I know how to program. To me programming is more that just making words apear on the screen. Its knowledge to me. Logic like redstone is. It goes 15 blocks and needs a repeator or stuff like that.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In a lot of things I made i use vertical redstone. I use it becuase i dont like making a redstone staircase. In my vending machine I used vertical redstone. I've made so many things I cant even recall them all. But I do rember one that was a door. Not any door. You would have to put the redstone torch in exataly the right place. And ever since I have discovered redstone i have started fidleing with it. I think it feels very good in my hands.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I love redstone. I love this server. They have a lot in comon. I love all that stuff. I dont want to limit my knowledge! I want to expand it. Not keep it traped in a box. Make it like air. Everywhere. When I'll see something I want to be like 'Oh yeah! I remember I made something like that!' Not like 'Oh how should I remake that'. Please help me expand my knowledge with redstone and accept this app.
Application status: 