posted by laxman02
on Mon, 2013-12-23 17:25
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because i like using redstone , and would like to have a community where i can learn, and improve my creations. This server looks fun, and I would like to get to chow some of my creations. I have recently come up with some new creations in single player, and have yet to find a good server that will allow me to share them with others.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Well, I know about all the basic logic gates.... ( NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR.. )
I consider my self good with Binary.
with the relatively new comparators, I have been starting to use Analog signal to make very compact machines.
Past Redstone Experience:
The First notable redstone creation i have made, would be just a simple calculator. It had the capability to do basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
I have created a "player piano" using a piston tape, as the "barrel" would spin (glass, and wool) wool would pass by the note blocks allowing the signal to pass through to the note blocks, and and make noise.
My version of "Musical chairs" : i had a lava lake with 2x2 retractable platforms, the person would pay to play, and then be teleported into the game. the game would start of by randomly selecting a platform, and displaying witch one was selected on a display in the front of the room. ( the platforms were all different material, and the display would light up which material the platform was) the player would then run and jump to that platform, if he did not make it in time, he, along with all the other platforms would fall into the lava lake, ( all the platforms but the one light up on the display would be lowered into the lake) The game would repeat this process, and slowly get faster, until the player falls into the lava, and resets the game. The game was created by using a random number generator, using a hopper, dropper, and comparator. the random number generator was triggered by a clock, that would speed up each pulse. the payment system was a simple item sorter that would only accept one item. the sorter triggered the start of the game, and the command block teleporting the player into the game.
Most recently, i have designed a verry compact Vending machine. 21 X 22 X 13 (LxWxH)
to do this, i used analog singles. the Payment system was set up like the "Musical chairs" game. a customer could pay with only one item( coins) . The coins would then go into an array of hoppers i designed to Count the coins. Once there was 14 coins in the array would be full, and all other coins would be sent to the "coin return". The array was attached to a decoder that would output only a single torch for the # of coins, it currently held. at the end was a comparator. ( the more items in the array, the further the signal from the comparator) The payment was set up the same way, but with just buttons, the payment wire ran into the side of the comparator from the array. if the signal from the button was more powerful than the signal from the array, the comparator turns of, allowing the purchase to go through.. the same blocked the purchase if there was not enough coins. One last decoder returned the right amount of change to the customer after he/she made their purchase. There was a button to just get your coins back, and a "Item-Stock" indicator, over the corresponding button for that item.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Not really much else I think i need to say..
I could not get the screenshots of the Vending Machine sadly, I'm not sure why it wouldn't work.
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