posted by RedminersLPMC
on Thu, 2013-12-26 22:20
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
because i love redstone. i have 2 redstone worlds, and in my survival world i did a lot with redstone :P. now it comes to the point where i dont know what to write... nooooo! xD i'll try. it is my first creative server and i think these people who are on are pretty niche. also a friend should join in a few months (should...). i wanna test what i can build for big projects with friends of redstone. also i wanna get challenges to do, because i then know what to do ;D sorry but i'm german
Current Redstone knowledge:
well - iknow how to build elevators (20 blocks/sec). Also i know how to build very cool doors and such. last i build sissors rocks paper and tic tac toe :) . I like it :). i know about all redstone-gates and flip-flops, and know how to compact things. i can build with redstone and command blocks together so insanely (because of /setblock redstone_block). i know all ways to activate redstone, pistons, lamps, etc. .I know about piston and lamp buds and build very cool and compact things, i would say.
Past Redstone Experience:
well - my best redstone build is always my program-able door lock (with buttons). it gives you 3 attempts to enter the code, then the alarm will be activated. how i did that? i created a d-flip-flop, which blocks the next d-flip-flop, which blocks the next d-flip-flop, etc. .i wont go in detail about how i connected this whole shit, because that was only 1 project. Also I build a nice lokking house with redstone things in it (like automatic alarm, manuel alarm, light(lockable), doors, etc.). Then i created a very very very save and compact and fast (10 blocks /sec) elevator.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i am german so my spelling might be... you know ;D
i also like to rebuild things from youtubers like mumbo jumbo and dicotheredstone (awasome work, you 2 men!)
Application status: