posted by JerielSR
on Tue, 2013-12-31 16:16
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am a huge fan of building and redstone. I have created a few successful working redstone computers. Also I have helped out (with redstone) with the making of an adventure map. By using my skills, I want to make the server much better and enjoyable. I really like the server, everyone on there is nice, and i enjoy that its peaceful (no DdOS threats etc) and the server has awesome plugins (./hug for example lol)
Current Redstone knowledge:
I understand a lot about redstone, for example, the basic (Repeaters, Torches, Redstone Pulse carry length ) as well as advanced things such as Serial Transfer (Passing multiple redstone data through 1 redstone wire). And I also make things which have almost no repeater waiting/delay time. (A repeater without delay) I have made RAM (Random Access Memory) (T flip flop/D flip flop)
Past Redstone Experience:
I have made a few redstone computers that are successful and completely work. They also have a fully functional GPU with RAM and Programmable ROM. The latest redstone computer I made had 1/8th of the power of a 64 Bit computer, meaning that putting them together and connecting the GPU's together through my J-USB (JerielSR1 Universal Serial Bus) you can play (when programmed) Minecraft inside of Minecraft! In my redstone creations I use Repeaters, Torches, Redstone Dust, Pistons, LOGIC GATES, My own custom made IC chips, for example my soon to be released J555 Timer chip, based on the real life 555 timer chip. I have also created a redstone theatre.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'd love to make another computer or redstone theatre on the server for people to use and play with, and eventually finish coding minecraft in minecraft in my redstone cpu JSR-X 2.0. I also take programming lessons, learn programming by myself and so on, so can eventually build my own real computer based of my minecraft computer.
Application status:
I forgot to mention that on PMC, sgort87 (A person recruiting for this server) referred me to this server to join here.
you copied my peaceful thing and my thing about /hug lol please dont do that!