Application 6687

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I play the game only for the redstone. I love to build new systems, with the aim of make them as fast and compact as possible. Actually, I play on a French redstone server, but it's not very active, so I was looking for an other server. Also, there is some systems I never saw here, like computers, so I'd like to look at them with more attention, just to learn how it works, and to see new mechanisms.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I don't know the names of systems, so I can't say. I know logic gates and other stuff like that. I use a lot of mechanisms using the lenght of signal, so I'm pretty skilled with comparator. And I know almost nothing about command blocks. My speciality is compacts systems. I can easily build systems who are so compact that they are nearly invisible.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I have build some Tic Tac Toe, Connect 4 and labyrinths. I always try to make them as compact as possible. My latest creation is a connect 4 with victory detection whose dimensions is 35x36x24. It's by far the smallest connect 4 I ever see, and one of the fastest too by the way. One of my greatest creation is a game who works like "ice levels" in Pokemon or Legend of Zelda, where the player is on an ice floor and have to follow a straight line and cannot turn until touching a wall. I build a system like this with an maze editor and 15 differents mazes to play with (each maze is stocked in a memory). I also create some micro-systems, like binary converter, lenght signal converter, T Flip-flop, and other things which I don't even know the name. But they are so fast and compact that everyone on my French server use them.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I don't like building big systems, that's why I make them so compact. I hope I'll could build a computer, but I do it, I'll try to make it really compact. I take that like a challenge.
Application status: 