Application 6690

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I was building redstone in SP for so long, and now I want to get on this server to build with other people together, talk to people understanding redstone and also learning about redstone from other users. I am maybe not the most talented builder and not the most talented redstoner, but I'm sure, I can be a good part of this server, because I can learn and maybe build something good for the server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Most of the things I learnt in the past (since Beta 1.7), I still know, but I never built something REALLY big with redstone, so I was often more experimenting than building redstone and I think I never learnt a lot of the bases like compact logic gates. Recently I was working a lot with NBT-Tags and not with "real" redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I think I really built much with redstone in the past, but as I said, no really big project. I started with building redstone when pistons were introduced in 1.7 Beta, and I and I learnt and used the redstone mechanics were added in every update since then, but there is for sure much I have forget since then or never learnt. <!--break--> My best creations were: <!--break--> - A dungeon, with randomly used walls, so every time you started the dungeon, it looked different. Also with mob spawning and chest with loot, all built without command blocks and 1.5 mechanics <!--break--> - A custom crafting table with custom recipies, (crafting table is a dropper), made possible with 1.7 NBT magic and testforblock <!--break--> - A printer, can print contents of a chest (colored wool), uses hopper sorting system, setblock, and pistons
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Sorry if the application is written in bad english, but I'm from Germany. :) The first three screenshots are from the 3 machines i mentioned. The last screenshot is an overview of my current redstone world.
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

Du hast ein ganz gut Anwendung geschreibt. Aber wir haben ein grosse problem, das 'in-game name' ist nicht E-mail adresse. Aber dein 'im-spiel name'. Ich vermute, dass deine im-spiel name ist "The_Marcster". Du müsst zu mir kommen wenn dass ist nicht richtig. Danke für deine Anwendung.

By Flandyn

Well, Google translator xD? You can write in english to me. My E-Mail is [email protected].

By The_Marcster