posted by SuicidalObjector
on Sun, 2014-01-05 22:05
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server as my friends have told me about this server and have a few minor builds in it. I want to collaborate with them in more redstone builds.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Command blocks - /tellraw and some JSON knowledge including the clickEvent and I made a little '/tp jetpack' with ~ ~2 ~ and similar. Also some /setblock to do wireless redstone and scoreboard wireless too. I also know the basics, including redstone direction and how to use pistons and similar.
Past Redstone Experience:
Command block protection such as /scoreboard teams join [team] and then /testfor @a[r=5,team=teamname]. It worked well.
Another redstone creation was the bookshelf camouflage thing with pistons, the usual hiding behind the bookshelves and pistons to push the blocks outward.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I really enjoy working with the command blocks, but I wouldn't be too sad if it wasn't available on this server. I know it uses console commands, and could be dangerous for the server's protection. I still like working with standard logic and double-pistons, etc.
Application status: