Application 6787

JLightingBolt1's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join because this server isnt some huge macho server with 1000 slots, its a smaller one with only 30 slots. I found this server when searching for a redstone server and wanted to try it out. It turned out to be an amazing server with great staff. I am quite good one it comes to understanding redstone, but when building it I might endup asking for some help :D Another reason is that I like the idea of plots and the ranking system for the server because I would preffer that to prevent griefing. I would like to learn even more than I do now in my single player world and meat new people aswell.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I currently know how to build simple ALU's and what not. I also am in the progress of building a full scale computer with 25 functions! One thing I have noticed is that I can understand restone and logic esier in minecraft because I do it well in my real life. ONe of my many skills is to be able to construct traps and doors to ALU's and memory.
Past Redstone Experience: 
One of my best redstrone creations is when I build a full 32 bit adder and made a screen for it. I have mostly copied logic and memory from youtube but put them together myself :D. The unfortunate thing is is that that thing is in my old computer.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
This is my second time applying so I would love for this to work Thank you JLightningBolt1
Application status: 


Marvin_Megavolt's picture

Hi im Marvin_Megavolt, ingame name elfegoBaca. i'm posting this comment to note that im JLightningBolt1's friend and am pretty good at redstone. Just saying, JlightningBolt1 recommended the server for me as a redstoner, and my application is not yet approved.

By Marvin_Megavolt