posted by bluestoner
on Mon, 2014-01-13 15:19
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
becuse i found it boring to work on redstone stuff in singelplayer and its a easy way to learn and show other what i'v done
Current Redstone knowledge:
well, i started my redstone "career" when the piston update (beta 1.7) came out. the only thing i do in minecraft is "redstoneing". im really good at redstone but im kind of slow working on it :S and it was a while ago i last build some logic redstone becuse command blocks are taking that time from me.
Past Redstone Experience:
i remember i did some kind of "selector system" with a lock-in system and a "select all" button and a "deselect all" button
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
well one of the reasons i want to join the server is that i want to get back to building logic redstone and stuff
Application status:
Not approved