Application 6826

EnderWiggen2's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love redstone circuitry, but it just doesn't seem quite as fun if your not on a server with friendly staff and friendly players that assist you. This server would be perfect for this, because everyone on the Redstone Server is always kind and helping whenever I join.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
•Logic gates •5 different types of clocks •Only wooden buttons can be hit by an arrow and be activated •2 Rapid pulsar types •Delay when using Repeaters •Most commands •all redstone retaliated blocks
Past Redstone Experience: 
On PC, I just stick to small machines. I made a Dunk Tank, where when you shoot the wooden button with an arrow, the button is pressed and the NOT gate is deactivated, causing a stick piston to deactivate causing the player to fall into the water, hitting a pressure plate (which is protected by a sign so that it is in air) causing a command block to display: Target was WETIFIED!!!
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I'm one of the first pioneers of redstone alternatives on Minecraft: Pocket Edition
Application status: 