posted by zaiah12345
on Tue, 2014-01-28 23:36

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have always liked Redstone and this gives me a opportunity to learn, experiment and hang out. I like the builds other members can accomplish so I will want to join for the joy of interacting and building. As a visitor I check out some pretty cool builds and one day I hope to accomplish some amazing builds my self.
Current Redstone knowledge:
well I know the basic`s about pistons and traps but I don't know much about Redstone. I can make a standard data feeder for clocks and I can make noob creations like a hopper. I can also make minigames and I learn fast I normally use a 9 digit code for my doors for a security system and the basic alarms that's about it.
Past Redstone Experience:
my past experiences are locks, alarms traps, gravel give away, and clock In past experiences I had some friends build a giant clock and a mini floor clock with my poor Redstone skill's and building skills if I become good I will be able to do about anything with Redstone.
Application status: