posted by netmonsterjr
on Tue, 2012-01-31 16:41
In-game name:
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I have played minecraft for nearly one year now. I have worked on things from tiny sandstone houses, adventure maps and giant bustling citys. I own my own server (that somemtime doesnt work) but I beleive that this server will help me learn how to manage and create good servers. I expect to help out newbies on the server and build somethings. additionally, my big inspiration was the japenese castle on your server, it was just a work of art. also, I am so obbsesed with minecraft that now I have started spreading onto my friendsand eventually, I will show them this server :)
Past Redstone Experience:
As I said again, I have created or help create lots of different kinds of adventure maps. they of course, use lots of LOTS of redstone. I escpecially for some reason work well with pistons. I just love working with pistons. I know (almost) every important logic gate, even due to the fact that Im only 10 yrs old, I still do knwo them pretty well. I also love working with music blocks. to be honest, I have never created a music reference with note blocks. I love to make even the most simplest things like entering your house become a beautiful greeting while steeping onto your ultra epic deseigned house. I always experiment with different combinations of redstone and my building, to create epic and unique structures.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Yes. I understand the rules escpecially when I know how annoying they are to the creators of the servers when they dont get followed. I have had multiple people just not following the rules and being just a big jerk. I promise not to cause any destruction to the server or greif anything or anyone. I know your probably Im abig fat jerk sitting at the desk chair trolling everyone. that is wrong, I feel just the same way when I get greifed or sadenned (is that a word?). I am also aware of the consequences that result if I do any of these horrible things. Ash624 :)
Application status:
minecraft redstone
i hope this time approve
minecraft redstone
i hope this time approve
minecraft redstone
i hope this time approve