Application 6944

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i'm interested in joining this server to learn more about redstone. i,ve build a lot in the visitor area A pulser,elevator. i would love to see what other people could do and comapre to see the most complex redstone build.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i know the basic of restone pulser,timer,ect. all of that. the rest i know is with command blocks. I asked some of the people what there working on ig. the told me to do /call so i did and i saw what they were making i liked it so i want to expands my redstone knowledge to make the stuff they were making (adder,cumputer,ect.).
Past Redstone Experience: 
i've had not that much past experience with redstone. other then with command blocks and that not really red stone. But i have made a arrow cannon, pulser, elevators that really it.
Application status: 


mjc4wilton's picture

I am not a mod or admin or staff or even senior on the server/fourms, but in my opinion you deserve joining because you are not bosting nor bragging and allowing yourself to learn and we all like someone like that so your current chances to join are great in my eyes

By mjc4wilton