posted by MrMonkeyman40
on Sun, 2014-02-09 22:17

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'm interesting in joining this server because I LOVE redstone and this server provides the exact needs that will help me and allow me to show others my work.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know almost everything about redstone. For example, 1 redstone tick is .01 of a second and 600 redstone ticks its 1 Minute in real life. Redstone can only go so far, it has a signal strength. If I'm right its 14 pieces of redstone it stretches. Too extend this redstone current, you can use redstone. Sticky pistons can push about every block but bedrock, obsidian, furnaces, chests, signs and probably more. A sticky piston cannot retract a piston that is extended.
Past Redstone Experience:
I have built a very small, compact triple piston extender that is 4x4x7. I made the pulse into a 1 tick pulse and re-looped the redstone current to retract all the pistons with different timing delays. I have also built a 5 piston extender but it is to larger to explane properly. My best redstone creation was taking my triple piston extender and make it pull two blocks out of the wall and into the floor.
Application status: