Application 7050

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I have been looking for a creative server for a while, but none seemed to have anything leaning towards redstone. Playing around myself in singleplayer is boring, and lacks the ability to learn from others, so I stumbled upon this server. Spending much of my time on pvp server, I find myself needing a break from such activites.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Redstone is simply a wiring put into minecraft. Laying down wiring and creating logic systems is the main base. Redstone can be "powered", akin to a wire via a button, which gives ticks of redstone, lever, which has a toggle-able sustained output, or redstone torch, with a permanent continuous output. Redstone may also be manipulated by other redstone devices. For instance, redstone torches may be deactivated with direct signal from a layer beneath. Redstone signals may be extended, delayed, or directed into a direction with a repeater. Using these qualities, many logic systems can be created, such as a NOR gate, in where no signal of two must be given, XNOR gate, T-Flip-Flop, RSNOR, etc, etc. TBH, I know nothing about comparators, or anything really that came after the 1.8 adventure update, but I hope you give me a try ^^.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I stopped playing near adventure update 1.8, so I am a bit behind the times. (I do not know much about comparators, nor do I use them). I know most basic logic circuits, such as flipflops, falling edges, XOR,NOR,XNOR, etc, etc . I frequent pvp servers, and so I do many things such as traps, full hidden doors. (Many things with pistons and liquids, they are most of my work). I worked a lot with craftbook circuiting (Signs to mimic redstone logic), and enjoy simplification over all.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Not much else I would really wish to add. I hope I can join the community, even though compared to many I am very lackluster in my redstone skill. I wish to get caught up with the new redstone gimmicks (and especially learn comparators.)
Application status: 