Application 7056

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
redstone is very cool and I love to bild with redstone ! I want to learn more about Redstone and I want to be better in building redstone.The Redstone-Server is my perfekt chance to learn more about redstone and build together with other people. The Server is really cool!!!
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I can build with Pistons and i know how to make redstone clocks,gates,automatic-piston-doors, ,and i know how to use ComandBlocks. and i know many redstone circuits and
Past Redstone Experience: 
I often build with redstone and i have a map only for Redstone where I build my Ideas for Games or other Redstone-buildings. I can build Slot-Maschines ,Door-Locks, other Games like(Tic Tac Toe,)and Piston-creations My best Creation was a Big slot Maschine that works with a clock. at first you must drop an item in the maschine . If you did that the maschinen turns on ,and there is a button to stop the maschine . if you stoped the maschine and you have 3 blocks of the same , you get 10 diamonds.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I think this is a very cool server , and the spawn looks very nice !!!
Application status: 