posted by tuchi
on Sat, 2014-02-22 20:45

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
because the last build server I was on was unstable I could hardly use my I/O in my cpu I made it was that laggy
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how to make an rca adder ica adder cla adder I want to learn how pla and cle works
Past Redstone Experience:
ive made a rca b ased cpu(sucked) cle cpu and ica cpu
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
id love to be a part of this server so please accept me :D
Application status:
Not approved
I denied this application because if you read the note in the application form, or the signs in spawn in our spawn. You would notice that the required lenght is two full lines per question.
And I can tell which server you're emmigranting from. To be honost, I doube the server can't handle it, and I do believe your lagg is cliented sided. Anyways, we would be happy to take you in, if you write a new and longer application.
Btw. you said you've made a CPU, but all you've talked about is different carry logic. I'm not doubting that you can more, I'm simply trying to provoke you, to make a better application. Good luck!
dude you saw my post on the forum I didn't know the ip so how could I have known !?!?!?!?!?!?!?